at Bulgari Hotel, London

The Cigar Shop and Sampling Lounge is open Tuesday to Sunday from 5pm until 12 midnight (except Sundays and Bank Holidays when it closes at 11pm).

For Cigar Shop enquiries, please email:

 Edward Sahakian Cigar Lounge

Internationally renowned and multi-award winning cigar merchant Edward Sahakian’s eponymous Cigar Shop and Sampling Lounge at the Bulgari Hotel has established itself as the premier London destination for connoisseurs in search of truly exceptional vintage cigars. Specialising in rare Havanas that are quite simply unobtainable elsewhere, the cigars are sourced from Edward Sahakian’s private collection, which has been assembled over the last forty years.

The provenance and condition of each cigar is unimpeachable and unparalleled and this gem of a location has rapidly established itself as an international landmark for cigar lovers who find themselves in the British capital. Offering such treasures as the fabled Davidoff 80 Aniversario, the Gran Corona made in Cuba for the 80th birthday of Zino Davidoff in 1986; the Churchill sized Davidoff Dom Perignon and a near complete range of Cuban Davidoffs.

Edward Sahakian Cigar Lounge Humidor

Other rarities include the Reserva and Gran Reserva cigars as well as a carefully curated selection of vintage cigars and Edicion Limitadas made in Cuba since the turn of the century. Aficionados will be pleased to find such cult cigars as the Cohiba Sublime Edicion Limitada 2004 and the Cohiba Double Corona Edicion Limitada 2003. Whether buying a single cigar to taste in the fully-equipped leather panelled sampling room, with its state of the art air purification system, or purchasing an entire box of cigars customers can rely on expert advice.

Moreover the cigar shop offers the additional service of storage and long term ageing of customer’s cigars. Upon consigning cigars, customers are presented with a written inventory that is regularly updated. Given the exceptional and often irreplaceable nature of these cigars, security is of paramount importance and cigars are stored in a locked, temperature and humidity controlled vault on site, which replicates the conditions of the Sahakians’ own ‘keep’. Here, cigars are stored at 11 degrees centigrade and at a relative humidity of 68%, which remains unvaried throughout the year to ensure an even pace of maturation.